Here I am trying to write the about me page for the Blog but unable to type a letter to make one word.
Me, the person that talks the most wherever I am, have all of sudden gone mute when it comes to talking about myself.
Well here are some facts given to me by birth and through life.
Hi, my name is Mireille AKA Miralicia and I’m an addict.
I’m addicted to love, kindness, and beauty…
I believe in Santa, in fairies, and in happy endings.
I am a Leo, so my good traits are Creativity, generosity, warmheartedness, cheerfulness, and the use of sarcasm in any given situation that makes me feel uneasy.
My weaknesses are stubbornness, only cause I always know I’m right, laziness for I believe I’m a queen and needs to be treated as one, and what tops my bad traits is my detachment from reality since all I want to do is laugh regardless of the situation at hand.
Each and every single one of us has a purpose in life, and mine is to love and always be genuinely happy.
March 1st, 2013 I was given the greatest gift and challenge, a daughter named Alicia.
That day I did not only give birth to a baby girl but was reborn as well and that is how Miralicia came to life.
I had never ever thought that it can be possible to be happier by the day and fall deeper in love with any person every time your eyes met until I held her in my arms.
Unfortunately like all other fairy tales, ours started with a big heartbreak as well.
The movies we watched as kids started off by a broken family through death, but in our modern lives divorce has become the new rupture that tares homes apart.
So here is the story of 2 princesses who are determined to live happily ever after with you by our side…