A word used almost everyday depicting the image we want to portray of how our days are being filled.
We wake up every morning having around 18 hours of sand grains running through that transparent hourglass called our daily life.
I say transparent for in the era of social media somehow our lives are being watched by the second with each grain of sand denoting the breakfast we had, the outfit we wore, the countries we visited the activities that filled our soul and all to appeal to a certain societal group that we like to belong to.
In this segment I will be highlighting the healthy way of living. The one I like to believe I lead, for with time behaviors turn into habits and in their turn habits shape our personalities.
So slowly but gradually we become who we project we are.
I will be showing what beauty is to me and how I like to grow by always adding new challenges to my daily routines.
This will be the spice that adds flavor to anything that is basic.